1) "Are Great Leaders Born or Made?"
Yes. Great leaders are both born and made. At birth, you are gifted with a unique "seed" of leadership genius. This instinctive capacity to influence ordinary people to achieve the extraordinary forms a "natural blueprint" for life, change, growth, and excellence -both in nature and in organizations. You are then "made" as a leader when your seed "sprouts" in a workplace climate that is uniquely suited to receive your gifts.
2) "What Personality Types Make Effective Leaders?"
The "charismatic personality" notion of a leader has evolved from the erroneous view that leadership is about "being in power", "taking charge", or assuming control. It's a widely held narrative that speaks more about the act of "power wielding" than leadership. No particular personality profile suits the leadership role more than others. A broad spectrum of life's circumstances unleash your leadership genius -not your personality.
3) "What is the Meaning of Leadership?"
The key role of leadership is to influence team members' personal involvement in our work, to the extent that we start to embrace the organization's overall mission as a life's work -not just another job. Then, amazing things can happen. Seeds of uncommon performance sprout and grow wild (or naturally) in our consciousness. Next, we are able to uncover solutions and achieve breakthroughs that are otherwise well beyond our view.
4) "I'm a Great Manager. Is that Good Enough?"
Management is about things (e.g. costs, schedules, staffing) and the competitive advantages derived from their uniformity and stability. Leadership involves our "gut feelings" and emotions. It instinctively changes who we are; moving us to challenge deeply held assumptions and take action in new and unfamiliar ways -real "thinking outside the box". Effectively led teams quite often manage themselves. In this day and age however, efficiently managed companies -minus leaders- are unsustainable.
5) "When is Leadership Needed Most?"
Leadership is vital when the pathways to success at meeting lofty goals and competitive challenges are well beyond your firm's established ways of thinking and knowing.
6) "Does My Position Mean I'm a Leader?"
No. Leadership is a not a function of position, rank, power or authority. It is a highly synergistic relationship between an individual and others who share similiar goals and challenges. It is a "wild" or 100% natural process that can "grow" at any level (and from any position) in an organization.
7) "How Can Nature Teach Us Leadership?"
Every living thing comes from a seed. Therefore we are all natural things. The splendor of nature's pristine wilderness areas helps us heal from an industrial indoctrination that seeks to "cut us off" from, and choke-out the nature in us. From there, we can fathom that the capacity to either lead people (or be led) to soar beyond lofty barriers is our natural inheritance. Seeing with new eyes, it's easy to find out that leadership is but a powerful gift of nature's vast wisdom for rejuvenating and nurturing the success of both people and places.
8) "Do You Offer Ropes Courses?"
No we do not. Ropes courses simply present nature as an enticing backdrop of another activity. With NBEL, nature itself, is both a functional teaching tool as well as the teacher.
9) "How Does NBEL Help My Bottom-Line?"
NBEL guides you to shape your team's goals and objectives in harmony with the way people naturally grow, change, improve and excel. This encourages buy-in, minimizes resistance, and builds momentum. You can then achieve far more with significantly less time, cost and loss.
10) "Why Do My Employees Resist Change?"
Change efforts reveal far more insight into how we change, versus the reason(s) we resist it. Human growth demands an ever increasing involvement in the affairs that affect our lives. When corporate plans don't speak to this need for greater involvement and meaning, they naturally create resistance. In the positive sense, you build momentum when plans and goals work in harmony with nature's powerful blueprint for change.
11) "Do Some People Need Micro-Managing?"
Yes. It's called skills training, or workplace orientation. During either of these phases, individual guidance is welcomed from your employees and also highly-effective in a management sense. Beyond this, it is a powerful employee "de-motivator" and a burden for the hiring manager. Either way, when a manager feels compelled to perpetually offer guiding input, it signals a systemic breakdown in both patience and trust.